Text (no call or voicemail, please) Dimi at 514-266-1248 or Lily at 514-962-2692 Monday to Friday from 11am - 5pm
Only Certified Electrologists · 645 Boulevard Décarie, Saint-Laurent, QC H4L 3L3, Canada - Located steps from Du College metro station

Licensed Electrologist
Instructor-advance electrolysis
Dimi is certified to perform electrolysis and remove skin anomalies by Dectro Academy. Dectro is know in the industry as the global leader in making the most advanced epilators. Dectro is also recognized by the Government of Canada for the quality of their programs and teaching.

Licensed Electrologist
Lily is certified to perform electrolysis by Dectro Academy. Dectro is know in the industry as the global leader in making the most advanced epilators. Dectro is also recognized by the Government of Canada for the quality of their programs and teaching.