Text (no call or voicemail, please) Dimi at 514-266-1248 or Lily at 514-962-2692 Monday to Friday from 11am - 5pm
Only Certified Electrologists · 645 Boulevard Décarie, Saint-Laurent, QC H4L 3L3, Canada - Located steps from Du College metro station
1.You must cancel your appointment 24 hours in advance if your appointment is less than 1 hour and 48 hours in advance if your appointment is for 1 hour or more. If you cancel less than 24(48) hours or not showing, you must pay full fee for the missed appointment.
2. It is your responsibility to arrive at least 5 min before your appointment starts, to be able to use the full amount of the booked time. If you are late, you still must fully pay for the booked time.
You have booked 1 hour- from 5pm to 6pm. The treatment starts at 5 pm and finish at 6 pm. If you are late 10 min the treatment will still finish at 6pm and the treatment time will be 50 min but you still must pay full fee for 1 hour.
3. The treatment begins at the booked time and also includes assessing, cleaning and disinfecting your skin and choosing the right method and probes to be used. After treatment care is part of the treatment time but should not exceed 5 min.
4. Consultation and 15 minutes test treatment is mandatory for first time clients. Total cost is 30$, payable cash or e-transfer only.